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Unleash Your Potential. You are Boundless.

Sonam offers the tools to help you connect back to self.

My healing products were born out of healing & self discovery.

The healing product line was created by Sonam Sondhi as an offering to share some of what she has learned through her own healing / self-discovery journey. Most of everything you see on this site was divinely guided or brought to her during meditations and healing sessions. It is of the 5 elements our bodies are created and to what we shall return.

I truly believe in the power of balancing & healing the Mental, Emotional and Physical body through Bhumi (Mother Earth). After all we are a merely a reflection of nature, the micro of the macro according to Ayurveda.

My healing products were born out of healing & self discovery.

Our Promise to You!

100% Organic

We promise to use only organic ingredients whenever possible.

All Natural

We promise to use only all natural ingredients in all of our products.

Reiki Infused

We promise to send you products infused with positive energy.

Environmentally Conscious

We promised to consider the environment in our processing, packing and shipping.

No Preservatives

We promise never to use any harmful preservatives in any of our products.

Hand Poured

We promise to make small, hand-poured batches to ensure the highest and freshest quality.

Handmade, Reiki Infused & Poured with Love

Handmade, Reiki Infused & Poured with Love

All items are handmade, reiki infused and poured with so much love to help you align mind, body, & soul. Mother nature has given us all we need in its purest and natural state. In an effort to live a more natural and holistic life with more ease and less dis-ease, I offer you Bhumi Healing.

The Bhumi Blessing

The Bhumi Blessing

May there be peace in earth, water, fire, and air, the sun, moon, and planet, in all living beings, in body, mind and heart. May that peace be everywhere and in everyone.

Bhumi-Mangalam, Udaka-Mangalam, Agni-Mangalam, Vayu-Mangalam, Gagana-Mangalam, Surya-Mangalam, Chandra-Mangalam, Jagat-Mangalam, Jiva-Mangalam, Deha-Mangalam, Mano-Mangalam, Atma-Mangalam, Sarva-Mangalam-Bhavatu-Bhavatu-Bhavtu.
Bhumispara mudra is a hand gesture, thought to be adopted by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha) in the moment of his enlightenment. As such, this mudra is commonly depicted in statues and carvings of Buddha in meditation. Translated from Sanskrit as the "earth touching gesture," bhumispara mudra is symbolic of Buddha's triumph over temptation by the demon king Mara.

Sonam, Her Grandmother & Her Grandfather

Sonam, Her Grandmother & Her Grandfather

The pattern on Sonam's products was inspired by a shawl of her grandmother's from when she left Kashmir in India, one of the only lasting memories her family has of her. When it came to picking the print for my brand, that would tie back to who I am, there could be no other pattern.

We Love Good Vibes!

From Our Awesome Fans

Very light and refreshing scent which provides a relaxing effect. Works best when shaking well to incorporate all aromatics. A little bit does go a long way when sprayed in each corner of the room. The scent lasted for about an hour or so then becomes subtle in the background. The crystals are a great keepsake after the spray runs out.

NirmalRoom & Smudge Spray

Very nourishing and gentle on the skin. My husband uses it weekly after a thorough shave. It provides hydration without being too oily and the organic ingredients don’t dry his skin out. Did not cause any acne flareups or peeling on the skin. Very light pleasant smell not overpowering. Would also be good for daily use if needed. Definitely a good blend of ingredients that nourish the skin and can be comparable expensive face tonics without the harmful ingredients. 

DevaFacial oil

Very nourishing and easy to apply. Subtle scent which isn’t overpowering. Lasts for many hours despite eating or drinking and does not need to be reapplied often in the day. As it’s made from natural and organic ingredients it won’t leave a residue around the mouth. I found it to be more hydrating then multiple lip balm‘s and chopsticks, and I go through tons! 

Lip Balm

The scent was very pleasant, and the oil was non-irritating to my skin. It was great for massaging oil onto your thighs and pelvic area to provide relaxation and open your sacral chakras. There is a calming effect to applying this and I found it great for nightly use after a shower as it was very nourishing. Personally, I also found it very sweet that it was handmade and blessed prior to usage. You need good vibes when dealing with a subject as vulnerable as infertility or conception issues, so it added an extra touch. 

Prenatal OilCustom Blend

Because of the organic ingredients this was very easy to apply and very quickly absorbed into the skin. Did not leave a sticky residue behind. Has a very light smell but Sonam also makes it unscented if needed. Because it’s handcrafted you can tailor the specifications. Great for eczema, dry patches, or skin in need of moisturizing. I did not break out or have any irritation to the ingredients in this product. Would recommend!

MahkanBody Butter